About 20 participants from eight African countries gathered since Monday in Togo to discuss the promotion of renewable energies vis-a-vis the e n ergy problems facing the African continent.
The three-day seminar, with the topic: "The Sharing of Experiences and Know-how on Renewable Energies in Africa", will work to secure the adhesion of the partic i pating countries to new and renewable energies, which, in the long run, have "a t rue potential" to solve the recurring crises on the continent.The participants will also fashion the good practices on the use of renewable en ergy, the national constraints in terms of promotion and improvement of these energies.
Dr. Aïcha Bammoun, representative of the Islamic Organisation for Education, Sci ences and Culture, said "it is necessary to accentuate the development of qualif i ed human resources, according to the present needs and on promotion of the teach i ng programmes devoted to renewable energies, to raising awareness and to support i ng the international efforts as regards renewable energies."
According to the representative of UNESCO, Benchikh Osman, "it is necessary to d evelop and strengthen the co-operation between the countries in the field of the energy which becomes increasingly alarming".